Thursday, 14 April 2011

You can come over and, we can have déjà vu ♥

I watched Source Code yesterday, oh dear lord, Jake Gyllenhaal is hot.

Anyways, I realized something the other day.
You know, there's a HUGE difference between being attracted to someone, and actually liking someone.
The thing is, whenever we go out to meet guys, we're just all attracted to each other, so that's why its unlikely anything's going to work out.
Just yesterday I was talking to this guy...we've had our ups and downs, we'd be good buds for a while, then we'd totally hate each other or just not talk to each other. I realized that I liked him, and I know for sure I actually did like him, cz I've never fantasized about him, or imagined myself making out with him and shit. I imagine me hanging out with him and having a blast, kinda like A wang.

Hahaha and I've also noticed that all our asian friends who have left and went overseas to like america, canada, and shit, they'd still hang out with the asian crowd. No joke. I don't ever want to do that. And at first I felt really bad cz i thought i ws just being racist. But to be honest, the caucs are just more relaxed and chilled and mature.

I've always believed that if I don't get a good grade for my exams, I wouldn't get into a good university, thus I will fail in life. Then the other day this cauc friend of mine told me that that's usually what all asians think, and I was just like ', that's actually quite true, because I do think like that. I grew up thinking that bad grades mean I'm never going to get anywhere.' And then we had a long talk about it.
I'm not trying to say that we should all just stop bothering with our grades, I'm just saying that we've never thought about taking other paths. There's only like one path: primary, high school, uni, job, family. If we fall off that path then we've failed.

And you know how we always learn about all these facts in books about science and math and all the other subjects, but when have we ever actually used it and applied it to real life? I think truly learning something is when we can actually get hands on on the things that we've learnt.
I was watching this movie the other day and it was like this guy's first day at uni, it was an engineering school. The uni had this ritual thing for newbies and he refused to follow it and locked himself in a room to get away from the people who led the shit. He managed to use the things that he saw in the tiny room and created this electricity conducting object and completely owned the dude who was banging at the door trying to get him out. That's true intelligence man, grades are just things to prove that you could be smart.

I guess I'm also trying to say that you shouldn't put yourself under too much pressure. No, put yourself under pressure but don't feel the pressure, you get what I mean..? hahahaha. If you ace your exams, that's wonderful, but if you don't, it's ok, it's not the end of the world, because you are actually a smart, amazing person and I really doubt that you will have any problem succeeding in the future.
Anyways, that's it for today. :)
Check out this dude here:

                                                                                                                                                Love from
Lollapalooza ♥


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